RODC Monthly Report to Supporters March 2012
Since our last report, the Voter Suppression scandal unfolding across the country has become a major focus of RODC's work. The evidence mounting about irregularities at polling stations, the misuse of robocalls, illegal voters being "flown into" ridings and such show a potential erosion of our electoral process and therefore our democracy
Voter Suppression Campaign:
RODC members were a presence at last Sunday's rally in Toronto. Here is a video of the event shot and edited specially for members fo groups that participated.
There was extensive CTV coverage of the event, beginning with over 1000 protesters in Toronto including members of RODC.
There are also some photos on our Campaign site at
We have created a template for a letter to your local press that you can modify and use as you see fit. It is in the Voter Suppression page.
CBC Campaign: The CBC needs our help!
We have learned that the Conservative’s proposed budget targets the CBC for severe cuts. The cuts, which could be the equivalent of most of the cost of producing CBC radio, will damage our news and culture, while cutting local coverage in the countless places where the CBC is the main media presence.
Here is the link to Reimagine CBC where you can add your name to the Leadnow petition.
Crime Bill Campaign:
Our most important campaign to this point has been the opposition to the Crime Bill. The Senate Legal Committee studied Bill C-10 and made six amendments to the bill which were accepted by the Senate. The bill was then passed to the House of Commons, passed there and then sent back to the Senate for ratification. Although the bill passed, we believe that the work of RODC and many like minded organizations positively influenced the changes. The whole story is told on the Government of Canada’s web site.
Electoral Reform Research:
We have been putting a great deal of energy into our study of alternative voting systems and in planning a symposium for November 24. The Electoral Reform committee has met to view the film Menocracy as well as to increase their background knowledge of electoral systems.
Mark November 24 on your calendars. The group has researched venues and speakers for the Symposium and have decided on Saturday, November 24 as the best available date for the meeting. We have asked Lawrence Martin, author of Harperland, to give the keynote address on the topic, the State of Democracy in Canada. You will receive details of this day as planning progresses, but we hope to have 100-150 people involved in the event. Those who can't attend in person can attend by way of Livestream on the Internet across the country.
Occupy Parliament:
Several RODC members are planning to join the Occupy Parliament day on May 5.