Open Dialogue

We want our government to establish open dialogue with providers of humanitarian aid, both domestic and international, to welcome their advice and criticism and to recognize that they know best what the human needs truly are.  Additionally we want the government to recognize their need to network, to see their value in policy development and to recognize their right to advocate on behalf of those they serve.

That KAIROS*, an international aid organization, which had been funded by CIDA for 35 years, had its funding cut in 2009 with no explanation.
         Furthermore, it may have its funding cancelled completely by the controversial Minister Oda "not" on the report by her staff recommending that funding be renewed. February 2011.

Oda revealed Monday that she was behind the mysterious “not” that was handwritten on a government document that ended funding for Kairos.

"The funding decision was mine. The ‘not’ was inserted at my direction,” Oda said in a surprise statement in the Commons Monday. continue

That t
he International Planned Parenthood Federation submitted an application for a three-year funding renewal to CIDA in June 2009  and had still received no response to their proposal 11 months after it was submitted.

That  organizations such as KAIROS, Planned Parenthood, MATCH International and CCIC (Canadian Council for International Cooperation) that receive federal funding, report a fear of retribution for speaking out and feel that dissent has been effectively silenced.

*Includes the Anglican Church of Canada, Christian Reformed Church in North America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Mennonite Central Committee, Presbyterian Church in Canada, United Church of Canada, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Canadian Religious Conference, and the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund.

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