Stand Up Against Crime Bill C-10

Stand Up AGainst Crime Bill C-10


What: Meet with your MP on November 25 to ask if they will stop the passage of the crime bill in this session of parliament.
Why: The omnibus crime will is anti-democratic and the provisions will cost more while making Canadians less safe

1) Get about 5 people together to Start

2) make an appointment with your MP on Nov 25 to discuss the crime bill (if they refuse to attend, just politely say you will be there if they change their minds)

3) Register your meeting  your MP on-line with Occupy or RODC (Reclaim our Democratic Canada)

4) Collect Signatures on Lead Now Petition

5) Contact groups in your area who may stand with you (criminal lawyers, mental health professionals, police, local mayors, provincial politicians, opposition parties, etc. etc.)

Tip:  Make your Event Educational!! Contact your local Post-Secondary Institution to see if they have someone who will speak to your MP about the Bill!!

6) Stand Together at your MPs office on November 25 


1) This Omnibus bill hasn’t been properly studied or debated
2) It is anti-democratic to bring this bill forward as one piece of legislation
3) Experts say it will be costly and the government can’t tell us how costly!
4) Experts say it won’t make communities safer or reduce crime
5) Experts say a crime reduction policy needs to address mental health and addiction issues
5) A final report on a national mental health strategy is soon to be released
5) The bill includes provisions that will put more people in jail, leave more people with permanent criminal records, make prisons more dangerous, frustrate the judicial system and cost taxpayers more.

This event is spear-headed by Reclaim our Democratic Canada (RODC).  We are a multi-partisan group of Canadians, who have become increasingly concerned about the future of Canada.
All are welcoming to contribute to this initiative.   
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