2013 Actions

----------------Recent Actions--------------
CEA event on November 28

A National Day of Action November 16
LeadNow Day of Action by Tina

On Saturday, November 16, members of RODC joined with others from the community in a nationwide protest against oil pipelines, tar sands expansion and runaway climate change.  

Lead Now is a BC based group that coordinates actions across the country.  This Day of Action took place in 130 communities from Vancouver Island B.C. to Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Some gatherings were small, others were huge; some were quiet and peaceful, others were noisy and dramatic.  The YouTube video tells the story.

Here in Oakville the sun shone down on a bright day.  The group brought signs reading, “Defend our Climate Defend our Community.”  We heard from the Rev. Mervyn Russell Anglican minister and social activist; from Bev Le Francois of Women of Halton Action Movement; from Brian Hopkins of Halton Environmental Network, and from Oakville NDP candidate Che Marville.  

Hart Janssen read a letter from Oakville Green president Karen Brock, which was later delivered to Oakville Conservative MP Terence Young.  June Wright had a sign inspired by a speech at Pros and Cons, (the alternative to the Conservative Party conference in Calgary.)  Her sign was a cartoon showing Harper slicing a sausage and eliminating democracy slice by slice.  25 names were signed on a petition to stop the expansion of pipelines and the tar sands.   

While our demonstration was less dramatic than some that day, we were proud to be part of a growing movement.

On Saturday November 16, Lead Now coordinated a

National Day of Action,

Defend our Climate
Defend Our Communities

RODC members demonstrated to show our Federal Government that communities all across Canada are standing up to stop pipelines, reckless tar sands expansion and runaway climate change.

To see Leadnow's video of the day, click here.

We linked arms outside the Constituency Office in Oakville, to show that there is a united wall of opposition to the plan.  

Conservative Policy Convention Calgary November 1
Counterpoint: A teach-in presented by Common Causes  

So far confirmed speakers are: David Suzuki, Andrew Nikiforuk, Brigitte du Pape (the Government Page), Maude Barlow and Crystal Lameman (Beaver Lake Cree).

Link to Livestream.

Details here.
================================ Elizabeth May's Save Democracy from Politics Cross
Canada tour

When: October 10th, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Hart House Debates Room; 7 Hart House Cir, Toronto

Notes on the evening.
=============================== SUNSET VIGIL in Oakville

Each year on October 4th communities across Canada come together to honour the lives of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls. As we do so, we remember the lives of the sisters, daughters, mothers, and grandmothers tragically taken away from us.
We are friends in support of the Native Women’s Aboriginal Association.

In Solidarity with Our Sisters in Spirit,
Lorraine Green, Carole Holmes, Bev Lefrancois, Nicole Pietsch
Table at Eden Mills Writers Festival:

Sunday, September 15, 2013
Purpose: To pass out brochures and dialogue on democracy.

We passed out many of our "Bully" brochures and spoke with many passers-by about democracy.  There was widespread agreement with our views. Leon Rooke, founder of the Festival, said, "I'm on your side."

We met with a group from Council of Canadians,  Guelph concerning their efforts to start a Fair Vote chapter.

Bev zipped around and passed out brochures to other tables and had many useful conversations.

Overall it was a successful day, thanks to Hart, Bev, Judy and Clare.
Mass Rally in Niagara on the Lake July 25, 2013
to support medicare. Slide show of RODC members at the rally on the right side of the screen.

Read about it here.
Wrestling for Democracy by Dennis Pilon
Tuesday June 18, 2013 At The Kings Arms, Oakville
6.45 Fair Vote Canada AGM
7.30 Dennis Pilon spoke about his new book.
You are invited to come and join the discussion on the state of democracy in Canada today. Notes.
An Evening with Trish HennessyDirector with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. June 6, 7-9:00 Oakville Central Library. A FREE event sponsored by Oakville NDP. Read more.
Get up! Stand Up!  May 4  
An extraordinary day that explored the importance of our democratic voice. Read the Report.

Ten members of RODC attended the Canadian Electoral Alliance's Town Hall meeting, April 4, on"Take Back Parliament: Is Proportional Representation the way?" We co-sponsored CEA’s town hall. Check out their web site.
More than a dozen RODC members attended a round table on Aboriginal Issues with Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux.
RODC carried out an action on January 28 to show its support for Common Causes and the Idle No More movement. 

Here are pictures of the demonstration at the Ford Plant in Oakville while the Prime Minister spoke inside on January 4, 2013. 
Model letters to mail to members of parliament and the media. 
Over 100 people worked to defend our democracy by attending the symposium "Is Canada Still a Democracy? Let's Talk" on Nov 24, 2012. There are many notes on the speeches and the final Report on the Symposium site here.
To read our 2012 Annual Report to Supporters, click here.
To read RODC’s Position on Prorogation, click here.
Say NO to FIPA.  Get the facts here.
And even more facts here.
                          And send a letter from here.
Mini series called Living Democracy from the Ground Up on the detrimental effect of last June's omnibus budget bill on our environmental laws.

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