2015-16 Monthly Meetings


Members of RODC decided to dissolve the organization at this meeting and initiate actions to form a Halton chapter of Council of Canadians.

Members and Supporters of RODC will be invited to the founding meeting of that chapter.

October 5, 7:00 in the Acorn Grill, Oakville Town Hall

Minutes of the February 10 meeting
Financial Statement
Assessment of the last months

RODC MEETING:  Wednesday, February 10, 2016


A. Sabbatical: The final decision was to take some time off to give the current government time to implement the changes that will rebuild our democratic Canada. Individuals will be able to support other groups.

B. Discovery Session: We decided to meet on Wednesday, October 5, 2016, to assess the state of democracy in Canada and to create a report card that we can share among ourselves and possibly pass on to John and Pam if that seems appropriate. 

C. A Chapter of the Council of Canadians: There are at least 5 members who are thinking of initiating an Oakville or Halton chapter of the CofC. This may happen at a later date.  You will be informed of such an initiative.

More notes:
The group has been renamed Rebuilding Our Democratic Canada and the web site has been updated to reflect the new reality.

We will maintain the web site, member list and bank account in case of future action.

Esther will cancel our reservations at Town Hall and make one for October 5.

CBC TV will broadcast This Changes Everything on February 18 at 8:00.
Preview here.

Next Meeting of the CofW: October 5, 2016 

*The Steering Committee met on January 6 and February 3 and discussed the future of the group long and deeply. 

Here are some of the ideas we discussed.
1. Disbanding: We consider that we have achieved our Mission: “To elect a government that will reclaim our democratic Canada.” We could, therefore, just cease to exist as an entity and members could join up with other groups to support their goals.

2. Rebuilding Our Democratic Canada: Although our newly elected government has declared its intention to rebuild democracy in Canada and has moved quickly to correct some of the former government’s blunders, there may be things to do.  We could continue in a watch dog role to criticize and make suggestions to our local MPs.
3. Joining another Organization: There has been considerable research into forming a chapter of the Council of Canadians.  This could be an Oakville or a Halton chapter.
4. Taking a sabbatical:  The Steering Committee notes that the current government is taking action to address the criticisms that RODC has expressed regarding democracy in Canada, but they need time to obtain results. We can maintain the web site, mailing list and bank account is case events suggest a need for our action in six months or a year.

5. Other: You may have ideas that we have not explored, and we certainly cannot make any changes that you do not approve.

December 9, 7:30 Party!!

We held a celebration at the Kings Arms
In the Party Room on Wednesday December 9th  
at 7.30 pm.
There were Appetizers and a Cash Bar

Agenda for RODC Committee of the Whole

Wednesday NOVEMBER 11, 7:00 pm at Town Hall

A Go Around on the Election

1. Minutes of last meeting: Sept 2015 -Bev

2. Financial update   -JudyR
-Membership collection

3. Our Mission: How we did -Bev

4. What now? New Directions Brain storming lead by Nicole and JudyR

5. Meeting Location -Esther

6.  Other Business

 Next meeting of CofW: December 9, 2015

Wednesday evening October 21 starting at 5:30 at the Coach and Four in Bronte.  Lots of parking behind the pub.

See you there with your smiles on.
The All Candidates Meeting September 30, 2015  serves as our October CofW meetings.

Wednesday June 10

Dear Friends of RODC, 

Over the seven years since our founding we have all been dismayed at the dismantling of our parliamentary traditions, the treatment of our officers of Parliament, the arbitrary changes to our Foreign Policy, the abandonment of our leadership on the Environment and the damage to Canada's good name. 

With the election coming soon we would like to hold two All Candidate Town Hall Meetings, one in Oakville Riding and one in the Riding of Burlington-North Oakville. 

Therefore we need to form two committees to make the arrangements over the summer. 

Now is the time for all those who want to Reclaim Our Democratic Canada to come forward and assist. 

Planning will begin at our June meeting on Wednesday, June 10 at 7:00 PM at Taste of Columbia on Bronte Road, south of Lakeshore. 

Hope to see you there!
              Agenda for RODC Monthly Meeting 

Wednesday June 10, 2015, 7:00 pm at Taste of Colombia*

1. Minutes of last Monthly Meeting

2. Financial update -   Judy R

3. Action Planning: Volunteers for Committees

A) Door Hanger Activity -Tina

B) All Candidates Town Halls: Oakville and Burlington-North Oakville

C) Committee Meetings over the summer

4. Other business

Next Monthly Meeting: September 16, 2015

*67 Bronte Road. Lots of parking in the lot behind the stores.  You can enter by the back door.
Wednesday May 13 

Agenda for RODC Monthly Meeting 

Wednesday May 13, 2015, 7:00 pm at Taste of Colombia*

1. Minutes of last Monthly Meeting -Bev

2. Financial update -   Judy R

3. Feedback on ‘Party of One’ Seminar: Michael Harris: April 15 

4. Action Planning: 

A) Door Hanger Activity

B) All Candidates Town Hall

C) Committee Meetings over the summer

5.  The Leadnow Vote Together Project: volunteers welcome to join Hart in South Etobicoke

6. Other business

Next Monthly Meeting: June 10, 2015

*67 Bronte Road. Lots of parking in the lot behind the stores.  You can enter by the back door.

Wednesday April 15  Michael Harris Event: A smashing success!
Wednesday April 8 No Meeting

Wednesday March 11, 7:00

Agenda for RODC Monthly Meeting 

Wednesday March 11, 2015, 7:30 pm at Hart’s*

1. Minutes of last Monthly Meeting -Bev

2. Financial update -   Judy R

3. Action Planning: The Commitments - Tina 

(A) ‘Party of One’ Seminar: Michael Harris: April 15 - Pat, Judy

(B)   Feedback on John Dupuis, York U Librarian Discussion-Based Evidence (“Conservative Government’s War on Science.”)   February 11 at O’Finn’s    -Tina, Hart 

4. Jennifer’s edit of the Brochure and doorstep handout - Jennifer

5.  The Leadnow Project: update - Hart

6.  RODC site - Bev

7. Update on sales of ABC Book - Tina

8. Co-operation with Fairvote in working with ETFO etc.- Tina

9. RODC Speakers Bureau – presentation for AWH on March 17th at 1pm Nicole, Bev

10. Other business

Next Monthly Meeting: April 8, 2015

*Hart lives at 80 Brant Street just south of Lakeshore, one block west of Kerr Street. You can park in the strip mall just to the north of the house.  Please note that it is an attached house.


February 11, 2015

About 50 people joined RODC to listen to this talk by

John Dupuis,
Steacie Science and Engineering Library,
at York University.
Author of the popular blog “Confessions of a Science Librarian”,

shown here mourning the death of evidence.
He was at
O’Finns Irish Temper, 136 Church Street Oakville
at 7 pm on Wednesday February 11th
to talk about
The Government’s War on Science.

Wednesday, January 14, 7:00 at Hart's Place*
(The Taste of Colombia is taken for that night.)

Happy New Year


1. Minutes of last Monthly Meeting -Bev

2. Financial update   -JudyR

3. Action Planning: The Commitments  -Tina 

(A) ‘Party of One’ Seminar: Michael Harris: April 15 -June, Pat

(B)   John Dupuis, York U LibrarianDiscussion-based Evidence (“Conservative Government’s War on Science.”)   February 11 at O’Finn’s    -Tina, Hart 

4. Jennifer’s edit of the Brochure and doorstep handout  -Jennifer

5.  The LeadNow project: update -Hart

6. January 22 meeting with Simms -Bev

7. ABC Book -Tina

8. RODC Monthly Meeting locations -Bev

9. RODC Speakers Bureau -Nicole, Bev

10. Event Planning time, if needed 

Next Monthly Meeting: February 11, 2015

*Hart lives at 80 Brant Street just south of Lakeshore, one block west of Kerr street.  You can park in the strip mall just to the north of the house.
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